Thursday, March 17, 2011

silly boy

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. There's this crazy thing called work, and I've been having to go a lot more than I used to! I'm working full-time nights now, still juggling my booming photography business, 3 kids and a husband, and trying to keep the walls of my house from falling down and the laundry pile shorter than me. It's insane all the time, and next week, ALL THREE boys start soccer. You know... because we didn't have enough going on, and I like to find things to do in my spare time. Besides sleep, that is. I am completely dependent on my calendar lately, and my biggest fear is that I will forget a photo session and not show up. Yes, seriously. I have nightmares about it. You know, when I actually get to sleep... which is usually from about 4am to 7am each morning. More than enough, really. So if you've booked a photo session with me, it's probably not a bad idea to send me an email or facebook me a day or two before the session... I wish I was kidding. I mean, I don't think that would really happen... I wouldn't really forget... but just in case. 

Tate is doing great. He is happier with each day, and honestly a pure joy to be around. I absolutely adore him. I remember the days that he was throwing full-on kicking and crying tantrums every morning, and now that seems like a lifetime ago. It makes me sad for him that he was in so much pain before, that this surgery completely changed his personality. I wonder if we should have done it sooner... but if you've been reading my blog, you know that it took a while for us to be certain that this was the right move at all, so I know it was all in God's timing. I am forever grateful that we were confident going into this surgery, and even more grateful that our decision has been confirmed over and over... with each smile on his face. Speaking of his face, I got to see a lot of his faces today. Thought we'd share some with you... 

Also, I'd like you to meet Tate's new friend. 

He loves his bunny, and decided to take him to run errands with us a couple of days ago. I realized that Tate hadn't named him yet, so we had a little conversation about it... it went like this:
Me: Tate, I like your bunny. You haven't named him yet... what are you going to name him? 
Tate: What do you think his name is, Mommy? (This is Tate's way of asking what I think we should name him)
Me: How about Peter? Like Peter Cottontail?
Tate: Is that what you think his name is? 
Me: Actually, what about Cotton? That's a cute name! Like Peter Cottontail! (Singing) Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin' down the bunny trail, hippity hoppity Easter's on its way....
Tate: Nah, I'll just name him Boxes of Wood. 

I love that kid. 

1 comment:

  1. hey! i came over here by way of patrice's blog! our little girl just had surgery yesterday to remove a cholesteatoma from her right ear. she will have another surgery soon. i've enjoyed reading your journey and will pray for your sweet family! tate is a cutie!
