Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 years old

Dear Tate, 
This day seemed so far away. You're 5 years old today. It's the "official" big boy age. You'll be in kindergarten in a few short months, and I'll no longer be able to be with you all the time to shield you from this world we live in. But remember this, my sweet boy... I'll always love you and protect you. God put me here to be your mommy, to raise you to be a follower of Jesus, and to teach you to be kind to everyone you meet. I'm far from being a perfect mom, but I hope that I make Him proud. 

I know that it's been a rocky road in your short years, but you have been such a great example of strength and courage. I know that you make God proud. And you definitely make Mommy and Daddy proud, son. You are only 5 years old, and I know for a fact that you have had a big impact on many, many lives because of the tough little guy you've been through your journey. You're an example to people of all ages. I know that because of your strength, that you've lent that strength to others when they need it, been an encouragement to them when they were facing a journey of their own, and all the while, riding your own roller coaster with almost no complaint. You've been an example to ME, Tate. You've taught me how to tough it out when things seem too difficult, and you've taught me that God only gives us what we can handle, and He gives us the tools we need to get through it. And above all, your journey has brought me closer to our awesome God. Thank you for that, sweet boy. God is using you in amazing ways!

This past year has been a bit more eventful than I had imagined, but you've amazed me during every step of the way. Thank you for helping me see the humor in everything. Spending time with you is pure joy. I love seeing the world through your eyes. At your birthday party yesterday, you were giggling so much with every birthday card you opened. You absolutely loved the cards that people picked out for you. I have never seen a child appreciate a simple card (ok, so they did have some pretty funny faces on them!) so much. I loved hearing your laughter as you opened each one. I'll never forget that, Tate. 

I look forward to watching you grow over the next year, and to see your personality develop even more. You have changed so much since your surgery... you are becoming such a sweet and happy little boy. I am so excited for you and the wonderful future that God has planned for you. Happy 5th birthday, Tate. Mommy and Daddy love you very much! 

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