Tuesday, December 28, 2010

puppy dog patches

I think I mentioned a while back that I ordered a cute little puppy dog paw print eye patch for Tate, per his request. Have I mentioned that he's refused to wear it? Yes, in perfect stubborn-4-year-old style, he has refused to put on his hand-picked eye patch. I'm not delusional, I know it's a big change. I have only encouraged him to wear it so far for a few minutes each day so he can get used to it... after all, he'll be wearing it quite a bit here in just a few weeks. We got cloth patches to avoid irritating his skin with the Orthopads or other similar sticky patches. You can tell him all day that he'll be cool like a pirate, but still no dice. 

I blogged yesterday about being concerned about his sensitivity to light. We did start him back on the drops, and put a call in to the doctor's office to see if they have any advice on the issue, or if we can even move Tate's surgery up under "emergency" circumstances. I have a hard time feeling like it's an emergency, because it seems like more than half of his day, he is playing and having fun with his brothers. I do know he's in pain, even through those times, because of the way he's constantly messing with his eye, pushing his fingers into it, and leaning on his palm with it. But until it's affecting daily life, I don't know that it really constitutes an emergency. Not that it matters today... the surgeon is on vacation until next week. Maybe we'll get a call then that they can work him in... I definitely worry about it some days more than others. 

ANYWAY... back to my point. Yeah, I tend to get off track sometimes. Since no one seems to have any good advice on dealing with light sensitivity, I thought this might be a good time to enforce patch-wearing... figuring that if anything helps, that will. So I explained to Tate last night that I expected him to wear his patch for at least 15 minutes today. I told him that I want to help his eye not hurt from the light. He complained complied, of course. I put his patch on him at 11:30 this morning. We watched Jake play Epic Mickey on the Wii. I had to hold Tate's hands for a while, because his instinct is to pull it right off. After a few minutes, he wanted me to let go of his hands, which I did. And he was fine. He didn't mess with it, except to adjust it a little. I bribed rewarded him with brownies, and he got to help me make them. He kept his patch on during this adventure, so in typical photographer-mom fashion, I snapped a couple of quick photos for your enjoyment. 

He really had to summon his Spidey strength to stir that brownie mix!

Please ignore the bed-head. It is still Christmas break, you know. So you want to know how long Tate wore his patch? TWO HOURS! Then he came to me right after he pulled it off and said "Mommy, is my 10 minutes up yet?" I really need to teach that kid how to tell time. Maybe later. :) 

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